COVID19 Lockdown Dev Log – Day 34, Async Await Basics

What I Worked On

The Taskmanager app.

What I Learned

In JavaScript, a function will return ‘undefined’, if it does not have a return value. For example like the function below:

const doSomething = () => {
    const a = 2
    const b = 4
    result = a + b



If we make the function asynchronous it will return a Promise:

// Tip: If you return a 'throw new Error()' the Promise will reject.
const doSomethingAsync = async () => {
    return 'André'


Promise { 'André' }

So André, why is this a smart thing? In short, using async/await can help you avoid writing code with complex Promise chaining (writing multiple then()s). Let’s take an example of Promise chaining and rewrite it with async/await. Let’s first create a function to use:

//this function returns a Promise. It checks that 'a' and 'b'
//aren't negative and resolves the Promise with the sum of the numbers
const add = (a, b) => {
    return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
        // Simulate async operation
        setTimeout(() => {
            if (a < 0 || b < 0) {
                return reject("Numbers can't be negative")

            resolve(a + b)
        }, 2000)

Now let’s chain some Promises where we use the add() function to add numbers together:

add(10,20).then((sum) => {
    return add(sum, 20)
}).then((sum2) => {
    return add(sum2, 40)
}).then((sum3) => {
    return add(sum3, 60)
}).catch((error) => {

That’s a lot of then()s. Let’s make it cleaner by modifying the doSomethingAsync() function with async/await:

const doSomethingAsync = async () => {
    const sum = await add(1, 99)
    const sum2 = await add(sum, 50)
    const sum3 = await add(sum2, 50)
    return sum3

doSomethingAsync ().then((result) => {
    console.log('result: ', result)
}).catch((error) => {
    console.log('error: ', error)

Ah! Much cleaner 😀 If one of the await calls rejects/fails, the ‘reject’ in the ‘add()’ function fires and the Promise chaining stops where it failed.

What Distracted Me During The Day

  • Had some laundry to take care off in between coding sessions 😀
