COVID19 Lockdown Dev Log – Day 16, Favicons And Webpack Imports

What I Worked On

SEO optimization and webpack imports.

What I Learned

I was doing some importing of icons for my <head> element, which I add metadata to with React Helmet. I imported the icons into my ‘seo.js’ component like this:

// seo.js

import androidIcon36x36 from "../../assets/favicon/android-icon-36x36.png";

I then came accross this solution while browing for “good practice” for importing icons in your <head>

// seo.js

import androidIcon36x36 from "@assets/favicon/android-icon-36x36.png";

I thought that looked a lot cleaner with ‘@’ instead of ‘../../’ so I looked into how to do that. Long story short, it’s a Webpack configuration. Gatsby uses Webpack and has it available as a plugin – yay! Let’s install it:

npm install gatsby-plugin-alias-imports

Add it to the Gatsby plugins in my project:

// gatsby-config.js

   resolve: `gatsby-plugin-alias-imports`,
   options: {
      alias: {},
      extensions: []

Now let’s tell the plugin that the folder it should create an ‘alias’ for. I need it to be an alias for the ‘src’ folder:

// gatsby-config.js

   resolve: `gatsby-plugin-alias-imports`,
   options: {
      alias: {
        "@": "src",
      extensions: []

Furthermore, I can add what file types/extensions to auto-find in the ‘extenstions’ array like so:

// gatsby-config.js

extensions: [

The reason I omitted “js” in the ‘extensions’ array is because Gatsby already does that. Anyways! Now I can import files from the ‘src’ folder in a cleaner way 😀

// seo.js

import androidIcon36x36 from "@/assets/favicon/android-icon-36x36.png";

import androidIcon36x36 from "../../assets/favicon/android-icon-36x36.png";

What Distracted Me During The Day

  • A friend came by (we kept our distance, ofc.) 😀
  • Discord
